
注册报到 Registration

报到时带齐以下材料 Materials must be brought with you for registration


Admission Letter (Original and 2 copies).

2. 外国留学人员来华签证申请表(JW202表)(原件)

Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW202).

3. 外国人体格检查表(原件);

Foreigner Physical Examination Form (Original).

4. 护照原件及复印件(照片页3份、签证页及最新的入境章页各1份);

Passport and Copies (3 copies for the personal information page, 1 copy for the current valid visa page, and 1 copy for the page with latest entry stamp).

5. 白底照片4张及电子照片(护照照片大小);

Four passport photos with white background and a digital one.

6. 填好的江苏理工学院外国留学生申请表;

The completed Application Form for Foreign Students of JSUT

7. 公安机关出具的无犯罪记录证明、所在学校出具的无校内违纪记录证明;

Certificate of Non-criminal Record issued by the public security bureau and Certificate of Non-discipline Violation Record issued by the secondary school.

8. 未满18周岁者《监护人委托书》。监护人委托书必须公证。

Notarized Letter of Entrustment by the parents or guardian of foreign students under 18 years old. 

报到时间 Working time for registration

周一至周五  上午8:00-11:00  下午14:00-17:00

Mon-Fri   8:00-11:00am  2:00-5:00pm

报到地点 Location for registration

留学生管理办公室 #52国教楼-103  

International Student Management Office (Room 103, Building No.52)

报到流程 Processes of registration

1. 出示录取通知书,审核相关资料,领取相关资料 

Show the admission notice, relevant materials checked by administrative staff, get the relevant materials

2. 办理保险 

Purchase insurance

3. 办理宿舍入住手续 

Dormitory check-in formalities

4. 缴纳费用 

Pay relevant fees

5. 入住宿舍 

Register at the dormitory
