
留学生入学、教学与学籍管理规定 Regulations for International Student's Registration, Teaching and Student Status Management



第一节  入学注册与居留许可

Section 1: Registration and Residence Permit

第七条  按学校规定录取的新生,持录取通知书、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202)、《外国人体格检查记录》等材料,按学校有关要求到国际教育学院办理入学手续。

Article 7: Freshmen enrolled in accordance with the university’s regulations can go through the admission procedure in the School of International Education, together with their Letter of Admission, Visa Application for Study in China (JW202), and Physical Examination Record for Foreigners.

第八条  因故不能按期入学者,须办理请假手续,请假时间最多不超过四周。未请假或者请假逾期者,除因不可抗力等正当事由以外,视为放弃入学资格。

Article 8: If students, for some reason, should postpone their registration, they should go through the formalities for their delay, and their qualification will be kept for at most four weeks. Any student who does not go through the necessary formalities or exceeds the time limit is to be regarded as relinquishing enrolment automatically unless otherwise justified.

第九条  每学年开学时,留学生应在报到之日起两周内缴清注册费、学费、住宿费、保险费及其他相关费用,未缴纳上述费用或者其他不符合注册条件的不予注册;在居留许可到期之日前仍未交清费用的,不予办理居留许可延长手续。

Article 9: When the new school year starts, international students should all pay the required fees within the two weeks from the registration day. The fees include: registration fees, bench fees, boarding fees, insurance fees, and other fees if needed. Registration will be rejected or retarded if the above fees are not paid as required or due to some other situations that do not meet with registration conditions. If the required fees are not paid up on the day the residence permit expires, the residence permit is not to be extended.

第十条  留学生须按法律规定及时办理住宿登记或居留许可证。留学生相关信息的报送工作由留管办归口管理。留学生中的学历生基础数据更新于每年10月底前,并同时上报常州市公安局内保支队。非学历生中在校学习时间超过一个季度的,其基础数据在学生到校后一个月内采集上报。

Article 10: International students should get residence registration certificates or obtain residence permit in time according to the relevant laws and regulations. The International Students’ Education and Administration Office is responsible for the submission of student information. The fundamental data of international students for full-time academic education are renewed by the end of October each year before they are submitted to the Branch of Interior Security, Changzhou Public Security Bureau. For those international students who will have more than three months of study at this university, their information will be collected and submitted within the first month of their arrival.

第十一条  新招入学留学生须统一组织到公安出入境部门实行面见、申办签证。对更换新护照或补办护照的学生,在取得新护照以后,须到属地公安机关申报住宿登记,并到出入境部门办理签证申请。老生缴费后因故不能继续学习者,须到出入境管理部门缩短居留许可后方可办理退学的相关手续。

Article 11: Newly enrolled international students will be organized to go to the Department of Entries of Changzhou Public Security Bureau for interviews, and for visa application. International students with new or renewed passports will have to apply for residence registration to the local security department with the new passport, and go to the department of entries for visa application. Non-freshmen students, who, for some reason, cannot continue their studies, should go to the department of entries for the deduction of residence permit before going through the formalities of schooling discontinuation.

第十二条  学习时间在6个月以上的留学生来校后,必须在规定期限内到本市卫生检疫部门办理《外国人体格检查记录》确认手续。无法提供《外国人体格检查记录》者,必须在本市出入境卫生检验检疫局进行体检。经检查确认患有我国法律规定不准入境疾病者,应当立即离境回国。

Article 12: International students who study for six months or more must go to the city’s health and quarantine department within the designated period of time to confirm their Physical Examination Record for Foreigners. Anyone who cannot produce the Physical Examination Record for Foreigners should go to the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the city for physical examination. If the physical examination show that he or she is afflicted with a disease that is prohibited by law to enter China, he or she should leave China and go back to their own country immediately.

第十三条  对患有精神疾病、传染疾病的留学生取消入学资格,患有其他疾病的新生,经国家指定的卫生检疫部门诊断不宜在校学习的,可以保留入学资格一年,并在一个月内出境、回国,费用自理。在保留入学资格期内经治疗康复,可以向学校申请入学,由指定的卫生检疫部门复查或确认。复查符合体检要求,可重新办理入学手续;复查不合格或无故逾期不办理入学手续者,取消入学资格。

Article 13: International students with mental diseases, communicable diseases will be disqualified from admission. Students with other diseases than the above-mentioned, proved, by the designated state health and quarantine department, unfit to study in the university, will have their admissions reserved for one year, and they will have to leave China for their own countries within a month, at their own expenses. If the students recover after medical treatment during the reservation period, they can apply to the university for their return to school, after their physical re-examination or confirmation by the designated health and quarantine department. If their physical conditions meet with the requirements for study, they can resume their registration formalities. If students still prove physically unfit for study, or delay in resuming registration without occasion, they will be disqualified from admission.

第二节  教学与学籍管理

Section 2: Teaching and Student Status Management

第十四条  学校为留学生提供学历教育和非学历教育。接受学历教育的留学生为本科生和研究生;接受非学历教育的留学生分为预科生、进修生和研究学者。留学生根据经费来源分为奖学金生、自费生、校际交流生。

Article 14: The university provides international students with academic education and non-academic education. Academic education is for undergraduates and postgraduates; while non-academic education is for preparatory undergraduates, non-degree students or research scholars. International students can be classified, according to their source of financial support, into scholarship students, self-financed students, and intercollegiate exchange students.

第十五条  留学生档案由留管办统一管理并上交学校档案馆存档。

Article 15: The archives of international students are in the charge of the International Students’ Education and Administration Office and kept in the University Archives.

第十六条  报到注册后,接受学历教育的留学生根据统一的教学计划学习。 

Article 16: After registration, students for academic education will receive education according to the unitary teaching plan.

第十七条  留学生申请的学历教育专业为汉语授课时,其汉语水平达到HSK-4级时方可入学。汉语水平未达专业学习要求时,需先在我校进行汉语学习。

Article 17: International students for academic education will have to pass the HSK-4 before they can sit in classes of which the classroom language is Chinese. If their Chinese does not meet the requirement for their academic study, the students should first attend Chinese classes on campus organized by the university.

第十八条  各院(部)组织留学生参加教学实习和社会实践活动时,可按教学计划与中国本科生一起进行,但在选择地点时,应遵守有关涉外规定。

Article 18: When arranging international students’ teaching practice and social practice, the relevant schools or departments can mix them with Chinese students according to the teaching plans, but they should abide by the regulations related to foreign affairs in the selection of schools.

第十九条  留学生在规定时间内,修完教学计划规定内容,成绩合格,达到学校毕业要求,准予毕业。

Article 19: International students after their successful completion of all the required programmes within the stipulated period of time can be granted diplomas.

第二十条  学校根据国家和学校现有学籍管理规定对留学生进行管理。对学生作开除学籍处分时,由留管办报出入境备案,并注销其学籍。

Article 20: International students’ management is based on the state and university’s regulations concerning students’ registration management.

第二十一条  留学生应在被录取的学院和专业完成学业,原则上不予以更换专业。

Article 21: International students are supposed to complete their study in the specialities and schools they have been admitted in, and it is in principle not allowed to change their majors.

第二十二条  因特殊原因需转专业,由留学生本人提出申请,经国际教育学院和各专业学院审核,学校研究同意后办理相关手续。留学生符合以下情况之一可以申请转专业:

Article 22: If, for some special reason(s), students have to change their majors, they should first submit their applications for it, and wait to be examined and verified by both the School of International Education and the Schools concerned, and to be approved by the university. Students who meet one of the following situations are permitted to change their majors:


1) The students prove to have a special skill;


2) The students have such special difficulties that make them unfit for them to continue their present study, but are able to complete their study in other majors.

第二十三条  留学生可分阶段完成学业,基本学制4年,最长修业年限为8年(含休学和保留学籍)。

Article 23: International students can complete their study at intervals, with the shortest duration of four years, and longest duration of eight years (including the time of temporary suspension of schooling and status reservation as students).

第三节  考勤与请假

3Section 3: Attendance Recording and Application for Leave

第二十四条  学生上课、实验、见习、实习及参加其他集体活动(如听报告、运动会、参观、社会调查、班会等),都要实行考勤。因故不能参加者,必须请假。凡未请假、请假未准、假期已满未续假及续假未准而缺席者,均以旷课论处。

Article 24: Students' attendance shall be recorded for classroom instructions, laboratory work, probation, exercitation, and other collective activities (such as symposia, sports meets, group visits, social investigations, and class meetings). Students who cannot attend any of these for some reason should ask for leave. Those students will be regarded as playing truant:

1) they do not ask for leave in advance;

2) their request is not permitted;

3) they have not renewed their permission when their leave is due.

第二十五条  留学生在节假日须按学校规定的时间离校和返校。因故需提前或推迟者,须经留管办批准。擅自提前或推迟者,均以旷课论处。

Article 25: For festivals or holidays, students should leave and return to the university according to the school schedule. If, for some reason, students have to leave and return earlier or later, they should get approved in advance. Anyone who does not follow the school schedule will be regarded as being absent from school.

第二十六条  学生请事假,一天以内者,由本人提出申请,经班主任审核同意并报留管办备案;请假两天以上者,由本人向留管办提出申请,经分管领导签字批准后报留管办备案。

Article 26: If students want to ask for leave of absence for personal reasons (shijia), they themselves should submit a written request for leave of absence to their head teacher for permission, and the teacher should put it on record in the International Students’ Education and Administration Office. If students want to ask for leave for more than two days, they should themselves submit their written request for leave of absence to the International Students’ Education and Administration Office, and wait to be approved by the head of school and then be kept in the International Students’ Education and Administration Office.


Asking for sick leaves (bingjia) should be accompanied with the medical certificate produced by the university clinic or the relevant hospital.

第二十七条  凡未经请假擅自缺课或无正当理由擅自超假,以及虽有特殊情况但事后未补假者,一律以旷课论处。无故迟到或早退两次,视为旷课一节。

Article 27: If any of the following happens, it is regarded as playing truant:

1) absence without asking for permission;

2) leave overstaying without permission;

3) leaving school for some special reason, but without submitting a leave application later.

If students come late or leave early twice, they will be regarded as playing truant for one period.

第四节 课程修读与考核

Section 4: Course Taking and Evaluation

第二十八条  留学生应当参加学校教学计划规定的课程和相关教育教学环节(以下统称课程)的考核,考核及格,才能获得该门课程的成绩和学分,考核成绩记入成绩册,并归入个人档案。

Article 28: International students are required to participate in all the examinations or other forms of assessment related to the curricula and other educational and teaching activities that are listed in the university's teaching plan. If they pass all the examinations or assessment, they get their scores and credits of the courses, and their scores and credits will be recorded in their grade book, and kept in their personal archives.

第二十九条  课程考核分考试和考查两种。考核和成绩评定方式,以及考核不合格课程的补考和重新学习,按学校考试管理和课程修读的有关规定执行。   

Article 29: Course assessments can be divided into the following two types: kaoshi (summative evaluation/testing) and kaocha (formative evaluation/testing). The methods of international students' examinations and achievement evaluation, and the make-up testing or course retaking should be performed according to the regulations of examination management and course taking/retaking stipulated by the university.

第三十条  成绩记载采用学分绩点制。平均学分绩点每学期结算一次。学分绩点评价方法如下:

Article 30: The GPA (Grade Point Average) system is adopted to record international students' achievements. The GPA is settled once each academic year. The method of evaluating the GPA is as follows:

1. 课程成绩与绩点的对应关系

1. The corresponding relation between course achievement and GPA


















优秀 (95)

良好 (85)

中等 (75)

及格 (65)










Course Score













Course Score

A (95)

B+ (85)

B (75)

C (65)










The scores of make-up tests or of course retaken are marked.

2. 平均学分绩点的计算

2. The counting of GPA


The GP (Grade Point) of each course = the credits of the course × the GP of the course


The GPA = ∑ the GP of each course/∑ course credit

第三十一条  学生因病或其他特殊原因不能参加考核时,应当在考前申请,经相关部门主管领导同意,方可缓考,否则以旷考论处。缓考不单独安排,缓考学生可申请参加新学期第一周的补考或随下一年级参加同一课程的考核。

Article 31: When students cannot take part in examinations or assessments for sickness or other reasons, they should apply for deferred examination or assessment, and wait to be approved by the heads of the relevant departments. Otherwise it will be regarded as being absent from taking examinations. Deferred examinations are not to be arranged separately, students who have deferred examinations can apply to take part in the make-up examinations in the first week of the next semester, or in the evaluation of the same course with students of the lower grade.

第三十二条  学生因病、事请假缺课,累计超过该课程教学时数1/3以上者,或无故旷课达6学时以上者,或缺交作业达1/3以上者,不得参加该课程的考核,成绩档案以零分记载。学生必须重新学习。

Article 32: Students who miss classes due to illness or other matters (with permission) will not be allowed to take part in the evaluation of the course if the number of classes they have missed amounts to 1/3, or if the number of their groundless absence amounts to six teaching periods, or if they have failed to hand in 1/3 of their assignments. In the grade book the score of the course is recorded “zero”, and the students will have to retake the course.

第三十三条  凡请假未获批准或未参加考试,或参加考试未交卷者,均以旷考论,作弊的学生,按《江苏理工学院外国留学生违纪处分实施细则》处理。

Article 33: If students have one of the following, they are regarded as being absent from taking examinations:

1) whose leave application is not approved;

2) without taking examinations for whatever reasons;

3) without handing in the examination papers, though taking part in the examination.

Students who are academically dishonest will be punished according to the Detailed Implementation Rules and Regulations for the Disciplinary Action Against International Students’ Discipline Violation in Jiangsu University of Technology.

第五节 课程重新学习

Section 5: Course Retaking

第三十四条  凡需要重新学习、补考的留学生须按照学校教务部门的相关规定参加重新学习或补考。补考一次为限,补考考试可随重新学习班级或下一年级上课班进行。补考未通过者,则必须重新学习该课程。补考及重新学习必须按照学校的有关规定提前办理相关手续。

Article 34: Any student who is required to retake the course or to take the make-up examination, will have to take the course again, or take the examination again according to the regulations of the Office of Studies of the university. Students have only one chance for course retaking and re-examination. Students will have to sit in the course retaking class or with students of the lower grade. If students fail in the make-up examination, they will have to take the course a third time. Students who need re-examination or course retaking should go through the formalities in advance according to the relevant regulations of the university.

第三十五条  有下列情况者可申请课程重新学习:

Article 35: Under one of the following circumstances, students can apply for retaking the course:

1. 补考不及格;

1. Failure in the make-up examination;

2. 旷考;

2. Absence from the examination;

3. 因严重违反考试纪律或作弊,考试成绩被判为零分,并获得重新学习许可;

3. Serious offence of the examination discipline or academic dishonesty, and the examination score being zero, and being permitted to re-take the course;

4. 缓考不及格;

4. Failure in the deferred examination;

5. 因缺课超过三分之一而被取消考试;

5. Deprivation of the right to take the examination due to the absence rate being more than 1/3 of the total teaching hours;

6. 根据学位申请要求,绩点未达到1.5

6. Failure to reach the requirement of 1.5 grade points for applying for the bachelor’s degree.

第三十六条  重新学习学生可参加开课单位单独组织的重新学习课程班的学习,或随下一年级正常班级插班重新学习。重新学习需支付重新学习费用,费用标准按学校有关规定执行。学生在缴清规定的重新学习考试费后,相关学院可以安排重新学习考试。

Article 36: Students who retake courses can attend the independent classes for course retaking students organized by the schools offering the courses, or they can join the students of the lower grade who take the same courses. Students who retake the courses are required to pay for the retaking, the charge of which is based on the relevant regulations of the university. Students will have to pay all the fees before the relevant schools arrange for their retaking the courses.

第六节 休学与复学

Section 6: Suspension and Resumption of Schooling

第三十七条  有下列情况之一者,应予休学:

Article 37: Students who have any one of the following cases should suspend their schooling with their student status reserved:

1. 因伤、病经指定医院诊断,必须停课治疗、休养的;

1. Those who suffer from injuries or illnesses that need treatment and rest without attending classes after diagnosis by the designated hospital.

2. 因特殊原因,本人申请或学校认为必须休学者。

2. For some specific reason, the student himself or herself applies for suspension or the university thinks that the student needs suspension.

第三十八条  休学程序:

Article 38: Procedures for suspension:

1. 申请休学者或者按要求应当休学者,由学院审核、学校批准,可以休学。

1. Students who apply for suspension or students who should suspend their studies for some reason can suspend their studies after the verification and approval by the university.

2. 休学一般以一学期为期限,特殊情况经批准可以续休,留学生在校最长年限(含休学和保留学籍)为8年。留学生学习年限自新生报到注册之日起计算。

2. The duration of suspension is usually one semester, but if need be and with approval, they can continue their suspension. The longest duration of suspension can be 8 years (suspension and reservation of student’s status). The number of years is counted from the day on which freshmen register.

第三十九条  休学学生应当办理休学手续离校,学校保留其学籍。休学期间,不享受在校学习留学生待遇。

Article 39: Students in suspension should go through the formalities before they leave the university, the university will reserve their status as students. During suspension, the students will discontinue to have the right as international students on campus have.

第四十条  休学期满,应当于学期开学前一周内向学校提出复学申请,经学校审查合格,方可复学。复学学生原则上随原专业的下一年级学习。

Article 40: By the end of their suspension, the students in question should apply for resumption of study a week earlier than the new semester starts. And if they are verified and approved, they can resume their study. Students who resume their studies are, in principle, placed in the lower grade of the same speciality.

第七节 学籍警示与退学

Section 7: Warning and Discontinuation of Schooling

第四十一条  学校每学期对学习但未获得学分累计超过12学分的学生进行学业警示。每学年第一学期初进行学年注册时,累计未通过课程达到25学分及以上的学生学籍异动到下一个年级。

Article 41: Each semester, the university will give those students who have taken all the courses but whose accumulative total credits fail to reach 12. When students register for the coming academic year at the beginning of the first semester of the academic year, students whose accumulative credits fail to reach at least 25 will be shifted to the lower grade.

第四十二条  留学生有下列情形之一,应予退学:

Article 42: International students who have one of the following cases are required to discontinue their schooling:

1. 在校规定最长学习年限内(含休学)未达到结业标准的;

1. Fail to reach the standard of academic achievements during the longest duration of study (suspension included) stipulated by the university.

2. 休学期满不按规定时间办理复学手续或者申请复学经审查不合格的;

2. Fail to go through the formalities for resumption of study within the required time, or are proved to be unqualified for resumption of study after applying for resumption of study.

3. 经学校指定医院诊断,患有精神疾病、传染疾病和其他不在保险公司保障范围内疾病或意外伤残无法继续在校学习的;

3. After the confirmed diagnosis by the designated hospital of suffering from mental diseases, infectious diseases, diseases that are not covered by insurance companies, or unexpected injuries that make the students impossible to continue their studies.

4. 未获批准持续两周离校或一学期内累计旷课60学时以上的;

4. Be absent from class for two consecutive weeks without permission or for accumulative 60 hours or more within one semester.

5. 每学期开学两周内未注册而又无正当事由的;

5. Fail to register within the two weeks of each new semester without justification.

6. 本人申请退学的;

6. Personally apply for discontinuation of schooling.

7. 两月内未交清所有费用并无意休学的。

7. Fail to pay the required fees within the first two months of each semester, and who do not want to suspend their studies.

第四十三条  退学的学生,不得再申请复学。

Article 43: Students that have discontinued their schooling are disqualified for resumption of study.

第八节 毕业与结业

Section 8: Graduation and Completion of Schooling

第四十四条  留学生在规定的学习年限内修完教学计划规定的课程,成绩合格,达到学校毕业条件者,学校颁发毕业证书。符合学校学士学位授予条件的,经校学位评定委员会审查后颁发学位证书。

Article 44: International students who have completed all the required courses within the required academic years and have met the required scores and credits can graduate, and diplomas will be conferred on by the university. And students who are qualified for the bachelor’s degree will be conferred on the degree certificate.

第四十五条  留学生在规定的学习年限内修完教学计划规定的课程,但未达到毕业要求者,准予结业,发给结业证书。

Article 45: International students, who have, within the stipulated academic years, completed the required courses, but have not reached the qualifications for graduation, can leave the university for the completion of courses, and will be conferred on the Certificate of Completion.

第四十六条  学满一年以上退学或被开除学籍的留学生,发给其学习证明。

Article 46: To the international students, who discontinue their studies or are dismissed from the university after having finished a whole academic year of study, a study certificate will be issued.

第四十七条  进修生在我校学习,修完规定课程,参加考试并成绩合格者,发进修生结业证书;未参加考试或考试不及格者,发给学习证明。

Article 47: Advanced students who further their studies in this university will get a certificate of course completion, if they have completed all the compulsory courses and passed the examinations. For those who have not taken the examinations or have failed in the examinations, they will get a certificate for study.

第四十八条  留学生的毕业证书、学位证书发放需符合相关规定。留学生的结业证书和学习证明由学校印发。

Article48:The diplomas and degree certificates of international students are the officially issued with relevant regulations.The certificate for course completion and the certificate for study are printed and issued by this university.

第九节 学士学位授予办法

Section 9: Conferring of Bachelor’s Degree

第四十九条  符合下列条件者可授予学士学位:

Article 49: International students who meet the conditions of the following can be conferred on the bachelor’s degree:

1. 遵守中华人民共和国的法律法规,遵守校规校纪;

1. Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, and by the regulations and disciplines of the university.

2. 具有良好的职业基本素质,品行端正;

2. Are possessed of good professional qualities, and of good moral character.

3. 在规定的修业年限内,修完教学计划中规定的全部课程,取得规定的学分,经审核准予毕业;

3. Complete all the courses stipulated in the teaching plan within the required number of years, get all the credits, and are qualified for graduation after verification.

4. 较好地掌握本学科基础理论、专业知识、基本技能并具有从事科学研究工作或担任专门技术工作的初步能力,平均学分绩点达到1.5

4. Have a fairly good mastery of the basic theories, professional knowledge, and basic skills of the field of study, and are possessed of the fundamental competence for scientific research and the expertise for technological work. The GPA is 1.5 or more.

第五十条  有下列情况之一者,不授予学位:

Article 50: Students who have one of the following will be denied the degree certificate:

1. 未取得毕业资格的结业生;

1. Students who have completed all the courses but are not qualified for graduation.

2. 课程平均学分绩点低于1.5

2. Whose GPA is lower than 1.5.

3. 因其他问题,经学校学位评定委员会审查不能授予学士学位;

3. For one reason or another, students who are not qualified for the conferment of the degree certificate after the inspection conducted by the university’s Academic Degree Evaluation Committee.

4. 因考试作弊受到留校察看处分及以上者;

4. Who have been punished with academic probation or above for academic dishonesty during examinations.

5. 违反治安管理规定受到处罚,性质恶劣或受刑事处罚者。

5. Receivers of penalty or punishment due to violation of provisions for the administration of public security, especially of egregious nature or being criminally punished.
