
硕士项目申请条件及流程 Postgraduate Programs application requirements & process



Application Requirements


Applicants need to meet the following requirements

1. 非中国籍公民,持有有效外国护照,对华友好,无犯罪记录;

     Be non-Chinese citizens, hold valid foreign passports, be friendly to China and have no criminal records;

2. 身心健康,符合教育部颁布的《外国来华留学生健康检查标准》;

       Be in good physical and mental health condition in compliance with the Foreign Students Physical Examination Standards issued by the Ministry of Education;

        3. 遵守中国的法律法规和学校的规章制度,尊重中国人民的风俗习惯;

       Abide by the provisions of the law of the Peoples Republic of China and the regulations of the university, and respect Chinese customs and traditions;

        4. 具有学士学位,成绩良好;

Have a bachelor's degree with good academic credits.

5. 年龄一般不超过28周岁。

Generally not older than 28.


Application Time


Before July 30, 2024 (The academic year shall start in September, 2024).


Application Procedures and Admission


Step 1:Applicants submit before July 30, 2024 application fee ( ¥500) as well as the following materials:

1. 江苏理工学院来华留学生入学申请表(word版及PDF版);

Application Form for International Student of JSUT (word and PDF)

2. 本科学历证书、学位证书的扫描件;

Scanned copies of undergraduate graduation certificate and degree certificate;

        3. 本科阶段全部课程的成绩单扫描件;

        Scanned copies of transcripts of all courses at the undergraduate level;

        4. 护照个人信息页;

        Scanned copies of passport personal information page;


      Foreigner Physical Examination Form, uniformly printed by the Chinese health and quarantine department, must be completed in English. The form will be invalid if with incomplete items, without sealed photo of the applicant or without the signature and seal of the physician and the hospital;

        6. 研究计划(不少于1000字)

        Research plan (no less than 1,000 words).

        7. 两封推荐信,包括申请者学习能力、综合表现等方面内容,推荐人副教授及以上身份

        Two letters of recommendation, including the applicant's learning ability, comprehensive performance, etc. Referees should be associate professors or above.

        8. 白底近期免冠证件照(电子版);

        Recent white background uncrowned certificate photo (e-version)

        9. 无犯罪记录证明;

        Non-criminal record;

        10. 语言能力证明文件: 须提供与申请授课语言相匹配的语言成绩报告单;

        Proof of language proficiency: provide a language proficiency certificate that matches the language of the teaching mode.

        11. 银行存款证明(至少5000美元);

        Bank certificate of deposit (at least 5,000 USD)

        12. 最近一次的来华签证或在华居留许可(如有),如隐瞒在华经历,影响入学报到注册,责任自负。

    The most recent visa to China or residence permission in China (if any). If the concealment of experience in China affects the enrollment and registration, applicants shall bear responsibility by themselves.

        13. 他证书或证明(如获奖证书、获奖学金证明等)。

    Other certificates or proofs (such as award-winning certificate,scholarship-winning certificate, etc.).


Step 2JSUT reviews materials and appoints video or telephone interview.


Step 3Applicants check admission status, applicants who pass the interview

will receive the Pre-admission Letter.

第四步: 在两周内预交住宿费3000元,发送汇款收据扫描件并注明姓名、护 照号至admission@jsut.edu.cn

Step 4Prepay the accommodation fee of ¥3,000 within two weeks, and send the scanned copy of the remittance receipt with your name and passport number to admission@jsut.edu.cn.

第五步:申请学生查收学校寄送录取通知书、来华签证申请表JW202、报 到须知等原件。

Step 5Applicants check the original Admission Letter, JW202 Visa Application Form, and registration instructions sent by JSUT.


Step 6Upon receiving the documents, admitted students apply for a study visa(X1 visa) at a Chinese embassy or consulate abroad, prepare to enter China, and inform JSUT of your itinerary.


Step 7Arrive in the university on time and register on the designated date according to Admission Letter.


Step 8JSUT check the validity of applicant’s original materials and process registration procedures for qualified applicants.



Anyone who fails to provide the above materials at the time of registration or the materials are false, applicants will be disqualified from enrolling in the university;


If the original application material is in a language other than Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation version from an official translation agency must be attached.


Online Application System




