
留学生奖学金评定办法 International Students’ Scholarship Evaluation Measures of Jiangsu University of Technology



International Students’ Scholarship Evaluation Measures of Jiangsu University of Technology

(Trial Version)


第一条  为吸引和鼓励优秀外国留学生来我校接受学历教育,为促进留学生全面发展,激励留学生刻苦学习,奋发进取,根据《茉莉花留学江苏政府奖学金管理暂行办法》和我校有关规定,特制定本办法。

Article 1: In order to attract and encourage excellent international students to receive full-time education in this university, to promote the over-all development on the part of international students, and to stimulate the students’ industry in their academic study, we draw up this scholarship evaluation document, based on the Interim Measures for Jasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship, and the related regulations of this university.

第二条  本奖学金主要指茉莉花留学江苏政府奖学金、江苏理工学院留学生院长奖学金及江苏理工学院优秀留学生奖学金等面向留学生的奖学金。

Article 2: The scholarships referred to in this document include: Jasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship, JSUT’s President’s Scholarship to international students, and the Scholarship to Excellent International Students in Jiangsu University of Technology (JSUT), which are granted to international students only.

第三条  本奖学金适用于来我校接受学历教育的留学生。

Article 3: These scholarships apply to the international students receiving full-time education in this university.

第四条  申请江苏理工学院留学生奖学金的留学生应当符合下列基本条件:

Article 4: The international students who apply for the International Students’ Scholarship of JSUT should meet all of the following basic requirements:

1. 持有外国国籍的公民,身体健康;

Of non-Chinese citizenship, and in good health;

2. 新生申请时,符合学校的入学条件,不得有犯罪和道德品质的不良记录;老生申请时,不得有违反中华人民共和国法律法规的行为,不得有因违反校纪校规受到处分的记录。

Freshman applicants should be consonant with the enrolment requirements, with no criminal or other bad moral records of any kind. Non-freshman applicants who apply for the scholarship should have no records of violation of the law or regulations of the People’s Republic of China, and no recorded punishment(s) due to violating the disciplinary regulations of the university.

3. 学习态度端正,成绩优良。新生入学时申请人的学习成绩应符合当年留学生招生简章的要求;老生申请本奖学金时,上一年度各门课程考核必须全部合格。

With good attitude towards learning and excellent academic records. For freshmen who apply for the scholarship at the beginning of the first semester, their academic records should meet the requirement of international students’ enrolment of that year. For the non-freshmen, their academic records of the previous academic year should all be qualified.

4. 积极参加集体活动,认真配合国际教育学院的管理工作。

All applicants should take active part in all team activities, and be cooperative in the administrative work on the part of the School of International Education.

5. 未同时获得中国政府和其他机构颁发的各类奖学金。

Applicants are not recipients of other scholarships offered by the Chinese     government, local governments or other organizations at one time.

第五条  申请和评审程序:

Article 5: Application and Evaluation Procedures:

1. 奖学金每学年评选一次,一般安排在次学年的开学初进行。评选工作由国际教育学院组织实施。

The scholarship is awarded once each academic year, and usually at the beginning of the next academic year. The School of International Education is responsible for its organization and implementation.

2. 依据学校部署,由学生本人向国际教育学院提出书面申请,国际教育学院奖学金评审小组按公开、公正、公平的原则进行评审,并在学院内进行公示,公示时间不少于5天。

According to the arrangement of the university, international students should apply in written form to the School of International Education, and the Evaluation Team of the School will evaluate all the applicants based on the principles of openness, impartiality and fairness. The result should be published in the SIE, and the time of publicity should not less than five days.

3. 学校每年年底前将奖学金发放给获奖学生,颁发统一印制的奖励证书,并记入学生学籍档案。

By the end of each year, the university will grant the scholarships to international students, together with the award-winning certificates, and the award will be recorded in the students’ archives.

第六条  评选人数和奖励金额每年由国际教育学院负责发布。

Article 6: The number of selected students and the amount of scholarship of each year are issued by the School of International Education.

第七条  本细则由国际教育学院负责解释。

Article 7: The School of International Education is responsible for the interpretation of evaluation details.
