
留学生公寓会客制度 Regulations for International Students’ Visitor Reception in the Residence Building of Jiangsu University of Technology



Regulations for International Students’ Visitor Reception in the Residence Building of Jiangsu University of Technology

第一条  会客时间:



Article 1: Visitor reception time:

1. Monday to Friday: 18:00~22:30

2. Weekends, Holidays and Festivals: 09:00~22:30

第二条  留学生的客人来访时,须出示证明本人有效身份的证件,经验证后填写来访客人登记,并把证件暂放在传达室方可会客。客人来访,必须由被访人到传达室来接方可进入,会客结束后,来访人应及时取回证件。

Article 2: Visitors to the international students’ residence should:

1. produce valid identity certificates for verification;

2. fill in the visitors’ registration form;

3. leave the identity certificate at the reception room;

4. wait at the reception room to be picked up by the visited;

5. retrieve the certificate before leaving the residence building.

第三条  未带证件或不出示证件者一律不能会客。

Article 3: Visitors who fail to produce any valid certificate shall not enter the residence building.

第四条  需邀请校外中国朋友进入自己房间的留学生,要在公寓管理员处办理会客手续后方可入内。

Article 4: If any international student intends to invite a Chinese friend from outside the university into his or her dormitory, he or she should register at the Residence Administrator’s Office before the invited is let in.

第五条  会见双方都必须严格遵守会客规定,管理人员对不履行会客手续,擅自进入留学生房间的人员,有权进行盘问,并根据情况通知学校保卫部门或公安机关处理。对妨碍管理人员正常履职无理取闹者视情节严肃处理。

Article 5: Both the inviter and the invited, or the visitor and the visited, should abide by the visitor reception regulations of the university. Anybody who goes into the international students’ residence building without registration or permission shall answer the administrator’s questions, and, if need be, the administrator has the right to inform the university’s security department or even the public security department. Any impediment to the administrator’s legal operation shall be punished according to its seriousness.

第六条  客人不得私自在宿舍留宿,如需住宿者,须事先办理住宿手续。留学生的配偶或子女,必须征得留管办和公寓管理办的同意,并办理临时住宿登记手续后方可留宿。对未经批准在留学生公寓留宿他人者,一旦发现,作违纪处理。

Article 6: Visitors are prohibited to stay overnight in the international students’ residence building without explicit approval. Any visitor who wants to stay for the night should register for lodging in advance. Before the spouse or children lodge at the international student’s dormitory, they should ask for consent on the part of the International Students’ Education and Administration Office and the International Students’ Residence Administrator’s Office, and go through the necessary procedures for lodging. Any violation of the lodging regulations will be punished accordingly.

第七条  严格遵守会客时间,留学生必须配合,让来访者在会客时间离开宿舍。

Article 7: The visitor reception time should be strictly obeyed. International students should be cooperative and ask their visitor(s) to leave the residence building before the visitor reception time is due.

第八条  凡违反以上规定者,按相关规定处理。

Article 8: Any violation of the above regulations will be dealt with accordingly.
