
留学生住宿管理规定 Administrative Regulations on International Students’ Residence in Jiangsu University of Technology



Administrative Regulations on International Students’ Residence in Jiangsu University of Technology

第一章 总则

Chapter I: General Provisions

第一条  为加强和规范外国留学生的住宿管理,保障外国留学生的住宿环境和留学生的权益,根据《江苏理工学院学生公寓住宿管理办法》、《公安局临时住宿管理规定》、《外国人住宿管理规定》、《中华人民共和国外国人出境入境管理法》等有关文件,特制定本规定。

Article 1: In order to reinforce the residence administration of international students in the university, and guarantee the residence environment and the rights and benefits of international students, we draw up this regulations document, based on Provisions on the Administration of Students’ Residence in Jiangsu University of Technology, Public Security Bureau’s Administrative Regulations for Temporary Accommodation, Administrative Regulations for Foreigners’ Temporary Accommodation, and Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners.

第二条  江苏理工学院留学生公寓所有权属于江苏理工学院。公寓用于接待外国留学生,入住的外国留学生应服从公寓管理,配合学校工作。

Article 2: The ownership of the international students’ residence building belongs to Jiangsu University of Technology. The building provides accommodation for international students. Students in residence should be cooperative and obey the administration of the building.

第二章 入住与退宿

Chapter II: Check-in and Check-out

第三条  江苏理工学院留学生公寓仅供本校留学生使用。在校住宿的留学生实行缴费住宿制。新生入学报到时,交纳住宿费和家具押金。以后在每学期报到注册两周内交纳本学期的住宿费。

Article 3: The international students’ residence building is for international students only. The international students who reside in the building are required to pay for their accommodation. Freshmen pay at the time of freshmen registration, both their accommodation fees and furniture deposits. And non-freshmen pay accommodation fees within the first two weeks after the new semester registration.

第四条  外国留学生应向留管办提出住宿申请,经批准后持《公寓住宿通知书》到公寓办理入住手续,并按指定的床位入住,未经同意不得自行调换。

Article 4: International students should apply for residence to the International Students’ Education and Administration Office for approval and get their Residence Notice, which is to be produced at the Residence Administration Office when going through the residence procedures. Students are not allowed to exchange their designated beds with others without official approval.

第五条  外国留学生学习期间需要退宿的,应由留学生本人提出书面申请,经留管办同意后,到所在宿舍楼值班室和留管办办理退宿手续,结清费用,退还押金。

Article 5: International students who want to check out within the period of study at the university should submit their written application for approval before they go to the Duty Room of the relevant residence building and the International Students’ Education and Administration Office to check out and settle their account, and their deposits will be refunded.

第六条  外国留学生退宿后再次入住公寓,需再次申请,手续和第一次入住相同。

Article 6: If international students who have checked out want to come back to stay in the residence building again, they should re-apply, and go through all the procedures in the same way as they first checked in.

第七条  外国留学生因特殊情况,需在校外住宿的,应向留管办提出申请,经批准后,需在留管办办理校外住宿登记后,方可在校外住宿;未经批准的,不得在校外住宿。

Article 7: If under some special circumstances, the international students want to live off campus, they should apply to the International Students’ Administration Office. The students can live off campus after they are approved and recorded at the International Students’ Education and Administration Office. Without approval, no international students are allowed to live off campus.

第八条  已经毕业的外国留学生或丧失了江苏理工学院学生身份的人员应按规定的时间搬离公寓。

Article 8: International students who have already graduated from this university or are no longer registered as students of the university should move out of the residence building within the stipulated time.

第三章 住宿管理

Chapter III: Residence Administration

第九条  入住学生应自觉加强安全防范意识,做好安全防范工作。

Article 9: Occupants of the building should strengthen their safety consciousness, and take safety precautions.

第十条  离开宿舍房间时要锁好门窗,贵重物品应妥善保管,大量现金存入银行。发现可疑人员应及时通知公寓工作人员。

Article 10: When students leave their dormitories, they should shut the windows and lock the door, and keep their valuables in safe places. Don’t leave too much cash in the room, and better put the money in the bank. Inform the residence administrative personnel of any suspicious person on the premises.

第十一条  公寓的钥匙不得随意转借他人,严禁私自换锁、配钥匙或另加门锁。

Article 11: Do not leave your dormitory keys to others. And it is strictly prohibited to change locks, make keys, or add more locks without permission.

第十二条  禁止转让、出租、出借床位,禁止留宿他人。

Article 12: Students are not allowed to transfer, rent, or lend their beds. No accommodation of others without permission is allowed.

第十三条  爱护公共物品,正确使用公寓楼内的公共服务设施,发现损坏应及时报修。因使用不当等人为因素造成公共设施损坏的,应照价赔偿;宿舍内责任人不清的,由宿舍成员共同赔偿;对有故意损坏行为者,视情节轻重,按学校有关规定处理。

Article 13: Students should take good care of public property, and properly use the public facilities in the residence building. It is everybody’s duty to report immediately for repair work at the sight of any damage. If the facility damage was caused by improper use, the person who is responsible should pay for it. If the person involved is not identified, everybody in the dormitory shall split the compensation. If the damage is deliberately done, the doer(s) will be dealt with according to the university’s relevant regulations and the consequences of the damage.

第十四条  公寓内严禁私自装修,严禁破坏、改变房屋结构和功能。

Article 14: Any decoration of, any damage to, or any alteration of the structure and function of the building is strictly prohibited without authorisation.

第十五条  住宿人负责清扫和保持所住房间的卫生,并自觉维护环境卫生。禁止从窗口向外泼水、倒垃圾;不得将剩饭、杂物倒入水池或便池内;禁止在公共场所乱放杂物。

Article 15: All the occupants are responsible for the cleaning and sanitation of their dormitories, and consciously maintain the environmental sanitation. It is prohibited to pour water or throw rubbish out of the window, or to pour leftovers, rubbish into the water basins or toilets. It is also forbidden to put anything in public areas.

第十六条  保持公寓楼内安静,严禁大声喧哗、哄闹,使用音响、电脑等设备时不得影响他人休息。如果不当行为对他人造成影响,经宿管员劝阻无效时,视情节严肃处理。

Article 16: Keep quiet and do not make noises on the premises. When you use sound equipment or computers, make sure not to disturb others. If any improper conduct leads to disturbances, the residence attendants are entitled to intervene. And if intervention fails, disciplinary or even legal actions will be taken according to the seriousness of the consequences.

第十七条  学生应在北京时间23点之前返回公寓。任何人不得翻越门窗。

Article 17: All the students must come back to the residence building before 23:00, Beijing Time. Nobody is allowed to cross over the doors or windows.

第十八条  进入公寓楼的来访人员必须出示有效证件并登记,并遵守公寓来访时间。

Article 18: Visitors to the residence building should produce their valid certificates and register, and obey the visitor reception time.

第十九条  禁止利用宿舍进行赌博、酗酒等影响公寓公共秩序或他人身心健康的活动,禁止个人利用公寓进行商业活动。

Article 19: Any improper activity that disturbs the public order is strictly prohibited in the building, such as gambling or unrestrained drinking. And no unauthorised commercial activities are allowed on the premises.

第二十条  未经批准,不得在公寓内张贴、散发海报或广告等宣传品。使用宣传栏时要保持宣传栏整洁美观,禁止乱贴乱画。

Article 20: Posters of any kind are forbidden in any part of the residence building without approval. The notice board should be kept clean and tidy, and no scribbling is allowed.

第二十一条  公寓内禁止携带和饲养宠物。

Article 21: Pets are not allowed in the residence building. Nobody is allowed to raise pets within the building.

第二十二条  增强消防意识,严禁故意损坏、擅自挪动消防器材,发现损坏及时通知楼内管理人员。

Article 22: Enhance fire protection consciousness, and strictly prohibit any deliberate damage to or unauthorised moving of fire-fighting equipment. If any damage is found, it should be reported to the residence attendants or administrators without delay.

第二十三条  公寓区域内严禁使用明火,禁止在公寓内吸烟。

Article 23: Open fire is strictly prohibited in any area of the residence building. Smoking is not allowed in any area of the building, either.

第二十四条  宿舍内严禁储藏刀具、枪支等管制工具或使用易燃、易爆、强腐蚀性物品。正确使用台灯、收录机、电视机、电脑等低功率安全的电器,严禁使用违章电器、私拉电线、损坏、私自改动供电线路、盗用公共用电。

Article 24: Regulatory tools such as knives and guns are forbidden to be kept in students’ dormitories, and there should be no use of inflammable and explosive materials or corrosive materials in the dormitories. Correctly use low-powered appliances, such as reading lamps, recorders, TVs, and computers. Do not use any appliance that is prohibited in the building. Installing or changing electric wires without permit is prohibited. Do not intentionally damage the power supply circuit. Misappropriation of public electricity is prohibited as well.

第二十五条  提倡节约用电,人走灯熄;提倡节约用水,杜绝长流水。

Article 25: Conservation of electricity and water is advocated. Don’t leave the lights on or the water running when you leave your dormitory.

第二十六条  公寓管理员要定时或不定时对留学生宿舍进行安全卫生检查,发现违章用电及其他不安全行为的,管理员有权制止违章,收缴违禁电器,并不予返还;对情节严重者,给予相应的处罚。

Article 26: Residence attendants or administrators should conduct regular or surprise safety and sanitation inspections, and if any unauthorised use of electricity or other unsafe situations are found, attendants or administrators have the right to put an end to them, and confiscate the forbidden appliances without returning. And students concerned shall receive penalty or punishment according to the seriousness of the situation.
